As some one who is married I just want to say that I do not buy into the commercialism of the social pact of Valentine's Day. That being said I would in no way use this as an opportunity to mistreat or disrespect my wife, it is not her fault the world is broken and misguided. As I remember my wedding vows there are words that come to mind like, "to love, cherish, and honour." These are the gifts we should be giving each other not just today but everyday. Those who know me, understand that I enjoy surprising my wife with flowers and other things all the time. But on this day I wish to honour her, by saying thank you. Thank you for all of the crazy things that you put up with. Men and women are innately different and being friends can sometimes be hard, so to my wife I wish to extend my gratefulness for the fact that you continue to work on our marriage with me as a partner. You truly are my Valentine each and every day of the year.
Right now we are studying the Mars hill series Real Marriage and are benefiting greatly. My hope is that this and other resources will; with each passing year, deepen our relationship, and that both of us gain a greater understanding of who we are in the Lord Jesus Christ and therefore by extension our role in this life and to each other. May the Lord bless each marriage and as for me and my house we will continue to serve the Lord. As long as Christ is the focus of any marriage it is destined to prosper.
For those interested in finding out how to be a better friend to their wife here is the Mars hill series.