As someone who is married to an individual who is blind and also has the privilege to know others with similar eye issues I have insights into human behaviour and prejudice some others might not.
Those who know me also know that I like to talk and swap stories and opinions with almost everyone I meet. My conversations are in depth and range from social to political conversations, one of my favorite topics is personal history. I have a strong belief that to know someone requires an intimate knowledge of how they grew up along with their personal life experiences. It was during one of these conversations with my wife that I learned a person of authority and power had stepped over the line.
Just like you and I and most of the people on the planet, she has dreams, hopes, aspirations and talents. Her blindness does not affect the fact that she too wants to succeed in life and contribute and be a part of the social community. After all doesn't everyone need and want a chance to be heard and considered as well as feeling valued and part of the whole?
It is to this fact that I wish to express my concern and disappointment. Inspired recently by a letter written by a concerned wife about the treatment of her husband, I felt compelled to bring this issue to light in order to change the perspectives of those who believe themselves superior or better than those around them. Peoples differences are what make life interesting and I applaud those with open minds when it comes to the acceptance of others and their short comings, rest assured we all have some.
So to the teacher who had the gall to tell my wife when she was in school trying to better herself; that her lack of sight would prevent her from ever getting a job and that she was wasting her time, I say shame on you. By courageously stepping out of her comfort zone and try something new, she was doing what comes natural to everyone and the fact that you tried to crush that makes me angry. No one has the right to take another person’s hopes and dreams and crush them in their infancy.
I thank the good Lord above for giving my wife the fortitude to move beyond those comments and the strength of courage to continue exploring life. And to the teacher I would like to inform him that Merna, is a wonderful, caring person and fully capable to hold down any job she so chooses. Not only is she working full time and actively supporting charities through her crafts, but she gives more care for others than I have seen anyone else in my life. I am of course biased by the fact that I love her beyond words, but I also know that she sees more with her heart than most people do with their eyes.
It is my honour to know her as a person and I would bet on her courage above many others so called normal abilities. I would also like to point out one of the most evident things about this whole incident and that is that you sir are the blind one! You were blind to the ability of another, blind to your own prejudice and blind to the harm that you could have caused. I would even go as far as saying that the only disability in this sad story was the self-inflicted disability of your own senses and mind.
To my wife I say never let anyone tell you that you are not good enough, smart enough or able enough to do anything. You are valued and your worth is beyond compare, you are a child of God and nothing is impossible for you to do.
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