As I came into work this morning I called upon the Lord to bind me closer to his heart, to allow me to feel and care for the things that he does. As a result he softened my heart and brought to my attention the suffering of the people around us.
Although this is one of many recent stories, the death of Florian Schuck’s wife on Monday is the one that broke my heart and made me weep. From the article in the newspaper I know that she died while cycling and was with child. What I had not known until this morning was that Florian, himself was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2008 and battled the disease until it went into remission. He says, that it was because his wife would not let him die. I can only imagine what this man might be going through and the only thought and feeling I have towards this total stranger to me is compassion.
We as Christians are called to Love one another and to bear each other’s burdens, but this morning I would like to also mention that we are also called to care for the hungry, the poor, the weak, the widow and all of the people who are lost. Now I ask you who is excluded from this list? Whose life story is any less littered with pain and brokenness? So I encourage you to view the world with new eyes this morning and see what I saw. A broken world, a broken nation, a broken people, the only choice you and I have is to respond. I choose love, with all of the suffering why would anyone want to add pain.
Start with today, look for a chance to make things better for someone, anyone. Be that person of compassion and do not show indifference. Remember that the Lord said as you have done to any of these, so you have done to me.
I pray today that Florian Schuck and his family find comfort in God’s loving arms and that they be surround by people of love and compassion. May many share the weight of this burden in order to lighten it. Amen.
A fund has been set up to help Morrison's family. Information can be found at the Facebook page entitled "In Loving Memory of Jenna."
Donations can also be made at Toronto Dominion account #6372358, branch 246.
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