Today is a day of remembrance for those that died in the war. Thousands of men and women showed us the greatest sacrifice one could give, their lives. The greatest price of blood was paid by them and for that we show our gratitude by honouring them in remembrance and by the adorning of a poppy in support. Most people will take a moment today in silence to reflect on the events that occurred that secured our current freedom and prosperity. This is the right thing to do and I encourage others to be aware of the magnitude of the day’s significance. The Bible states that no greater love hath a man, that he lay down his life for a friend. The soldiers and supporting service men and women showed our countries that kind of love and deserve our respect and acknowledgement.
There is also another life I would like to highlight today as well. For if these men and women died for our lives and world, he surely died for the one to come. We show respect and honour and remembrance for them and should do the same for the Son of God who was perfect and blameless and yet came and shed his blood in order to save not just a country but also the world from evil and death. If a moment of silence is what we owe our veterans surely we owe Jesus all the more. Remember his death as well, give him silence daily and if you must wear something to show you are honouring him in remembrance let it be his Love and Compassion.