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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Happy Anniversary to my wife.

As I look back over the brief years we have been married I glean truths about who we are and how to improve on our successes. One of the things that I have done in the past month or so is to wear the pocket watch that you have given me.  At first I wanted it as a reminder of our wedding day, but I grew to understand its importance over the last few weeks as our Anniversary approached. I wanted to share with you the insight that I have found and now treasure in my heart with you.
The watch is not just a shining piece of metal that marks off time, nor is it a mere machine that needs to be wound each day. To me it has become a representation of our actual marriage and love for one another. For each morning I take it out and make sure that everything is working, I take the time to inspect it and makes sure it is following the correct course. It must be adjusted from time to time if I want it to read the right time. I need to pay close attention to it and ensure that it is ready to meet each new day. It also reminds me that time is moving and that you and I are finite beings which must be appreciated with what now remains. I only hope that with the proper amount of care and time that our marriage and value to each other will like the watch improve with age.
So I say thank you for the watch, thank you for the reminder, thank you for today and every day after. Your friendship, love and support mean so much to me and they will continue to do so despite the march of time.
Your grateful and loving husband,
P.S. Here are a three poems to remember
As the sun orbits the earth, so to does my love encompass you,
May my love warm your heart as the earth does the sun’s view.

As every starry night proceeds every glorious morning,
May every difficulty be overshadowed by graces adorning.

As the moon reflects the sun’s rays to brighten the night,
May my affection make your every step feel light.

As the twinkling dew nurtures the glistening grass,
May my words smooth every trouble like polished brass.

As our lives come closer to being forever joined,
“May God bless our lives”, be the phrase we both coined.

As I end this poem of love and care,
May it reflect the life that we are going to share.
My Dancing Girl

Soft white flashes before my eyes as you swirl and twirl,
Sweet smells hit me as you move from your head and every curl.

Your feet so small tap an irresistible rhythm as they move,
Back and forth on the floor with such passion carving a seeming groove.

Your hips are calling with every sway and bounce,
The coins that are jingling as you beckon are worth every ounce.

Hypnotic you are, my eyes are caught in a trance,
I am your slave captivated by this intricate dance.

You are a rare find, a perfect Ocean pearl,
I am so glad that you are my Dancing Girl.

What can I say to one so fair?
What can I say to one so fair?
I thank the lord everyday for you in prayer.

A gift so great only one can compare,
Your inner beauty makes one stop and stare.

Kind in heart and larger in spirit,
A love so great I almost fear it.

What can I do to deserve such a gift?
What can I do or say to give her a lift?

Only return the same in kind,
An exchange of hearts, assurance signed.

To you I gladly give my pledge.
My love for you takes off bird like from a ledge.

So if at times my words go awry,
Please remember it gets better with each new try.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Morning Moon & Star

This morning as I beheld the Moon, transfixed as it were like a pendulum in mid swing by the star by its side. I realized that I too was staring at the starry blanket of the sky which covered the fields over which the Sheppard’s once watch when a small child was born. As if it were a silent witness to events that would move Heaven and Earth, in awe it watched on as Jesus was given birth. What a beautiful revelation that those first witnesses looked at the same sky in which angels appeared that I now have the privilege to be looking at today. What glory and magnificence remains until this day in the starry night. The Heavens declare his greatness, Hallelujah.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Faith in the unseen

Did you watch the video above did you close it early or were you fascinated and intrigued by the inner works of the mechanisms that mark or keep track of what we call time?
This morning when I wound my watch; which by the way is a wedding gift from my lovely wife, I found myself just entranced by the movements. As I watched I came to a realization that time is seldom recognized or marked anymore. What I mean is that with the advent of the digital watch and other electronic devices, time is seldom looked at as something that is moving, but rather something that merely exists. I almost get the impression that we as a society no longer have time for time. We are too busy being distracted by this or that, running from one engagement and to another. Time has seemingly been pushed aside. Were once it was celebrated; as in the invention of standard time, it has now been trivialized.
I mean we now have access to everything all of the time, so why should I care about when things are open? We live in a global market and leverage time zones in both our personal and business lives; I can buy anything anywhere and have it shipped to me the next day. Instant gratification has dulled my sense of time, decreased my urgency and allowed all of us to procrastinate until the very last possible moment. It is no wonder that many of us have caught ourselves in a daze, looking around at our environments and saying, “Where did the time go?”
This lack of connection with the unseen march of a force so powerful to our finite beings, that I would say is more than just ignorant, but even foolish. For if we by thoughtlessness allow ourselves to believe that there is infinite time, why would we ever do anything? Couldn’t we just push things off until the tomorrow that never seems to come? Truly this is a shame, one in which many of us share!
For if our life; which is based and maintained by time, is ignored, then how will we ever learn to appreciate it or anything else. Isn’t a rose appreciated when it blossoms, don’t our faces stretch to the sun for warmth and tell me who among us does not welcome the end of a winter storm? So with this knowledge, what should we do? I know that I for one wish to appreciate all that I have, which means that I would have to understand that time effects my appreciation.
For my part I will continue to look and wind my watch daily in the morning as a reminder that the day to come is precious and that one day like me, that same watch may run out of time. May I always have faith in the power of the unseen, and respect for it.