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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Art of Celebration

It seems as if we are all too busy these days and wrapped up in our own worlds and problems. So much so that I believe that the majority of us have lost the art of celebration. This does not mean that your or my life is devoid of any joy or happy moments, just that a certain enjoyment and gusto has been lost.

Think about it, the last time you saw someone you haven’t seen in a long time, what did they say to you and you to them? I am always amazed to see and hear the way people simply greet each other, with gee you look tired, or you've gained weight and even a half-hearted how are you. Where have the “so good to see you, or it was great to catch up with you,” gone? Of course this example is for a simple 5 minute greeting, but the effect is exponential in other areas of our lives.

I know that I am guilty of it myself, wrapped up in my own concerns and worries, rushing from one problem to the next barely recognizing anything worthwhile in my own life. It seems as if we have raised our problems to unseen heights and have begun to simply ignore or barely acknowledge the good and even great things due to our dwelling on the negative in our lives. I for one would like to know how that scale got tipped to such a lopsided equation.

Have I lost my zeal for the things that bring joy, not knowingly? But am I guilty of not acknowledging events of achievement more than likely. That begs the question why? Why are we such negative people? I know that I do get joy from celebrating the good things in life, all I have to do is remember when I was younger playing at the beach. So how can you and I revive this art of celebration? I think that we need to make it part of our routine again and become the child again. We need to learn how to delight in things as before and live a simpler life.

So I encourage you to join with me in bringing back down our troubles and turn our backs on those who say stop being childish. Wake up each morning with an anticipation of adventure and exploration and truly revive the Art of Celebration. Each day from now own I want you and I to actively search for those things to celebrate and deal with troubles as they should be with one quick motion and learn to let it go. Think of your trouble as a balloon and let go of the string and enjoy the sight of it floating away.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Why seniors should have more technology than the youths

Anyone who knows me also knows that I have an Omama, and that Omama is the name that is given to a Grandmother from my cultural background. Now I am sure that I am like everyone else, we are impacted by the ones we love and notice age more on the eldest living generation in our families. For me the last line of defense against the onslaught of time is my Grandmother.
As she has aged over the years her ability to do things has been impacted, including the opportunity to travel distances without the aid of a vehicle driven by someone else. For a short time she lived with me and my wife but after a few new health issues she made the choice to move in with one of my sisters. There were many reasons for this, but one of the main ones were having more people around at all times for her to interact with.
You see, everyone needs community and my Omama had lost that due to her physical limitations and the fact that my wife and I are very busy people going from here to there like a couple of bees. So for her mental health and quality of life alone this was the best choice for her and the benefits were seen almost immediately.
But the biggest change came when she was introduced to Facebook and got a tablet, boy was that huge. All the connection that she had lost with friends or family was immediately restored and easily accessible. She was once again part of the group and distance and time seemed to have no limitations. Now even if she misses a family event, she can still see pictures and comments online and send her best wishes. Technology has truly changed her state of mind in a positive manner having ripple effects in other health areas of her life. I can genuinely say that the internet is making her a happier, healthier person which brings me back to my point that seniors should have more access to technology then our youths.
Anyone who knows an older person and believes they might not have enough interaction with the external world; I encourage you to give this virtual community a try, give them a tablet and watch the changes. You won’t regret it. A big shout out to my sister who had the idea, you have changed her life.